1.58 - January 5, 2023 *Updated game engine. *Fix bugs. *Fix asset download issues. -------------------- 1.57 - June 12, 2020 *Updated game server -------------------- 1.56 - June 17, 2019 *New: The power of "The Skull" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *Updated game engine to latest version -------------------- 1.55 - April 30, 2019 *New: The power of "The Lion" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *New: The power of "The Drake" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed various bugs and improve game stability -------------------- 1.53 - March 5, 2019 *New: The power of "The Crab" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *Updated game engine to latest version -------------------- 1.52 - February 20, 2019 *New: Disable contextual ADs for Premium Members *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed various bugs and improve game stability -------------------- 1.51 - February 8, 2019 *New: The power of "The Crow" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed various bugs and improve game stability -------------------- 1.50 - January 2, 2019 *New: The power of "The Boar" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *Updated game engine to latest version *Updated and reduced game package size *Updated and optimised the game blood fx *Fixed various bugs after upgrading game engine -------------------- 1.49 - December 3, 2018 *New: The power of "The Helm" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *Updated game engine to latest version *Updated active development message for new players -------------------- 1.48 - November 5, 2018 *New: The power of "The Scarab" badge is now unlocked (Premium Membership Content) *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed bug with flamethrower not dealing damages to zombies *Fixed and adjusted graphical setting for better compatibilities across devices -------------------- 1.47 - October 10, 2018 *New weapon: PPSH-41 *New membership programmes and benefits *New collectible badge system for members *Updated game engine to latest version -------------------- 1.46 - October 4, 2018 *New weapon: BAR *New blood splatters and gore fx *Updated blueprint to not drop after they are fully unlocked from loot boxes *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed name bug with Sturmgewehr 44 blueprint -------------------- 1.45 - September 27, 2018 *New weapon: Sturmgewehr 44 *New daily supply crate system *New weapon blueprint system for new guns *New ammo box as alternative to get ammo for guns *Updated game engine to latest version -------------------- 1.44 - September 20, 2018 *New weapon: FG42 *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed bug with weapons malfunctioning when targeting floor surfaces for some maps -------------------- 1.43 - September 13, 2018 *New weapon: Trench Gun *Updated and reduced game download size *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed some visual quality problem with some weapons *Fixed various minor bugs *Fixed bug with xbow arrow not appearing correctly when shot onto surfaces -------------------- 1.42 - September 6, 2018 *New Gun! Luger *New Enemy! Pistol Synth *Updated resources server, in-game download will be alot faster now *Updated game engine to latest version *Updated and reduced game download size -------------------- 1.41 - August 30, 2018 *New Gun! M1 Garand *Updated and optimised code : game run slightly faster now -------------------- 1.40 - August 23, 2018 *New Gun! Tommy Gun *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed visual bug with dissolve smoke -------------------- 1.39 - August 16, 2018 *New Gun! Panzershreck *New Enemy! Spider *Updated game engine to latest version -------------------- 1.38 - August 2, 2018 *New Gun! Scout *Updated game engine to latest version -------------------- 1.37 - July 27, 2018 *New Gun! F90 *New map in super arcade mode! ZH3 City Square -------------------- 1.36 - July 19, 2018 *New Gun! Striker *New Map in super arcade mode! ZH3 Street Apartment *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed missing resource bug with City Ruin levels *Fixed various visual flickering issues -------------------- 1.35 - July 12, 2018 *New Gun! Glock *New Map in super arcade mode! ZH2 City Ruin *Updated game engine to more recent version *Fixed bug with pathfinding issue where zombies get stuck -------------------- 1.34 - July 5, 2018 *New Gun! AR-15 *New Map in super arcade mode! ZH2 Train Station -------------------- 1.33 - June 28, 2018 *New Gun! Model-500 Shotgun *New Map in super arcade mode! ZH2 Warehouse *New Zombies! 3 of them for the new map *Updated and optimised existing 3D zombie models *Updated some guns to look better *Updated game engine to latest version -------------------- 1.32 - June 21, 2018 *New Super Arcade game mode! Free map selection + more levels *New weapon! X-Bow *Updated game engine to latest version *Updated various plugins to improve game stability *Fixed bug with skill menu back button navigating incorrectly *Fixed various issues and adjusted volume for some sound fxs -------------------- 1.31 - June 14, 2018 *New gun! Desert Eagle *Updated game engine to latest version *Updated and reduce runtime memory footprint, improving game stability *Updated game scripting backend, game should run faster now *Update and optimise various game code, game should run faster now *Updated plugins to improved game stability -------------------- 1.30 - June 7, 2018 *New weapon! AKMS *Updated and optimised the game - game run faster now *Updated and optimised some zombie models *Updated Repeating Rifle to look better *Fixed bug with ability to fire weapon while switching -------------------- 1.29 - May 31, 2018 *New weapon! Lever-action Repeating Rifle -------------------- 1.28 - May 24, 2018 *New weapon! PDR *New map! Industrial Building *New 16 more levels added *Fixed bug with incorrect level numbering -------------------- 1.27 - May 17, 2018 *New weapon! M17 Replica -------------------- 1.26 - May 11, 2018 *New weapon! Revolver *Updated and improved game performance to adjust to game engine update *Updated game engine to the latest version -------------------- 1.25 - May 3, 2018 *New bolt-action sniper rifle by popular demand! Karabiner 98k *Updated higher level shotguns to deal more damage *Updated SCAR to deal more damage -------------------- 1.24 - April 26, 2018 *New weapons! Vector, Sawn-Off, QBU-10 *New spread shot for all shotguns *New bullet based reload sequence for some shotgun, overall reload speed remain unchanged *Updated and balance game weapon stats because of new weapons -------------------- 1.23 - April 19, 2018 *New weapons! P250, SAP6-Replica, SCAR *New bullet trace fx for most guns *New headshot sound fx *Updated muzzle fire size to look visually smaller for most guns *Updated game UI with various adjustments *Updated adventure mode control scheme to be more consistent with standard mobile fps games *Updated tutorial for adventure mode to be accurate with new control scheme *Updated adventure mode and endless mode to be unlocked only after reaching rank level 5 and 10 respectively *Fixed a bug with gun firing animation not in sync with actual bullet fired *Fixed a bug with sniper scope blocking in-game UI controls *Fixed a bug in which gun bullet shells are not appearing on screen when firing guns -------------------- 1.22 - April 12, 2018 *New help menu provides controls and basic game information *New item pick-ups now included in adventure mode : ammo, health, armor, medkit, grenades *New directional guide to objectives in adventure mode *Updated exit game interaction context in adventure mode to be more obvious -------------------- 1.21 - April 5, 2018 *New game mode : Adventure mode with free movement *Updated endless mode difficulty increase over time to be slower *Fixed various minor bugs -------------------- 1.20 - March 22, 2018 *New feature : Melee Combat *Updated explosion physics to be more forceful *Fixed bug with video quest task, counter should increase appropriately now -------------------- 1.19 - March 15, 2018 *New feature : Daily Quests -------------------- 1.18 - March 8, 2018 *New feature : achievements *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed engine-related bugs with crash when loading -------------------- 1.17 - March 1, 2018 *New map area for endless mode : plane crash site *New map area for endless mode : hospital -------------------- 1.16 - February 23, 2018 *New endless mode : city ruin *Updated and improved game loading performance, game levels should load faster now *Updated game engine to latest version *Fixed engine-related bugs with crash site map -------------------- 1.15 - February 14, 2018 *Fixed a bug causing game to crash when attempting to load new levels -------------------- 1.14 - February 13, 2018 *Updated and improved game performance, game run more faster now *Fixed difficulty level bugs for new levels -------------------- 1.13 - February 8, 2018 *New map area : plane crash site *New zombies, 9 different zombies in plane crash site *New game engine beta support for downloading remote game assets *Updated and made it easier for grenade to be thrown at zombies *Updated share screenshot as share replay replacement *Removed share replay feature, game will run much faster now -------------------- 1.12 - January 19, 2018 *New share replay feature *New announcements and rewards system installed *New upgrade progress UI for weapons *New improved zombie dissolve smoke fx *New game version upgrade UI *Updated player healthbar UI to decrease gradually when taking damage *Updated and reduced player camera rotation speed for auto movement *Updated level design data *Updated bat enemy, two different speed *Updated daily rewards to show automatically *Updated and improved game performance, game run more faster now *Updated sponsor us button to gray out when no content is available *Fixed various bugs *Removed UI scroll animation in level select -------------------- 1.11 - January 4, 2018 *New sniper scope zoom in visual *New sponsor us button on main menu *Updated gun shots to have more bullet force, shooting experience should feel better now *Updated some text for main menu UI *Updated and improve ground graphic for industrial area map *Updated game so that weapon switch will be remembered when level is restarted or completed *Updated newly unlocked weapon to contain one free magazine *Updated google play service to latest version *Fixed game performance issue with physics *Fixed a plugin crash issue with push notification *Fixed graphic glitch with rank up UI *Fixed bugs with secondary having to reload at start of game *Fixed M202 to shoot rockets more accurately *Fixed unclickable area on diamond shop UI -------------------- 1.10 - December 29, 2017 *New level design for all levels, more challenging now *Updated and improved game performance, game run more faster now *Updated game engine to latest version *Updated weapon select UI code so that weapon preview will not switch to equipped weapon when navigating between primary and secondary weapon panel *Fixed bugs with bombs not damaging zombies *Fixed bugs with stuck weapon animations after using grenades -------------------- 1.09 - December 15, 2017 *New weapon zoom function for all weapons *New local notification for daily reward *Updated daily reward, should now be claimable whenever a new day start *Updated zombies spawning to prevent animations from syncing up *Updated google play services to latest version *Fixed bugs with sniper zoom not zooming in properly *Fixed bugs with rocket projectiles appearing wrongly on screen *Fixed bugs with bats not being properly damaged by explosion splash damage *Fixed bugs with bats not being targetted with auto-aim ability *Fixed bugs with zombies rigidbody and inability to hit zombies sometimes *Fixed a memory issue with zombie death smoke fx -------------------- 1.08 - December 11, 2017 *Fixed a possible crash on some devices -------------------- 1.07 - December 7, 2017 *Updated and reduced package size *Updated and improved the game data structure *Fixed a lighting issue with the hospital map on some devices *Fixed a possible crash on some devices -------------------- 1.06 - December 1, 2017 *New rocket models and smoke trail fx *Fixed a graphical issue with the hospital map on some devices -------------------- 1.05 - November 28, 2017 *New free gifts for players to get diamonds *New daily rewards *New and more ways to get free diamonds *Updated active skill visual effect *Updated medkit use visual effect *Updated player take damage visual effect *Fixed bugs with weapon not reloading automatically *Fixed some general coding bugs *Fixed some UI bugs -------------------- 1.04 - November 24, 2017 *New camera shake effect for explosion *New bullet hit effect when shooting wall or ground *New review the game panel *Updated and improved hospital map scene aesthetics *Updated zombie dissolve smoke color *Updated game win continue button function *Updated main menu with more 3D aesthetics *Updated weapon sprites to look sharp *Updated weapon select UI to give more numerical info *Updated double reward UI with animations *Fixed bugs with enemy health bar positioning *Fixed bugs with ability to shoot zombies blocked by wall *Fixed bugs with double reward function *Fixed bugs with loading screen UI *Removed weapon ready animation when switching weapons -------------------- 1.03 - November 15, 2017 *New weapon M240 *New weapon Grenade Launcher *New weapon AWP *New weapon Mini-gun *New weapon Flamethrower *New weapon Plasma *New weapon M202 *New weapon Laser *New weapon RPG *New playable levels (12 more) *Updated weapon preview with better looking images *Updated auto-purchase ammo *Updated weapons stats *Fixed some map design bugs *Fixed bug with in-game buy ammo displaying wrong price *Fixed bug with wrong price when auto purchasing grenade *Fixed bug with rank system -------------------- 1.02 - November 9, 2017 *New shadow added to zombie *New dissolve smoke effect when zombie dies *New grenade model *New grenade throw animation *Updated UI with better text *Updated App Icon *Fixed some map design bugs *Fixed some UI visual bugs *Fixed visual bugs grenade trail *Fixed audio memory bugs -------------------- 1.01 - November 7, 2017 *New playable levels (30 playable levels in total) *New Hospital area map *Fixed bugs